Archive for October, 2014

Adult kids could cost you dearly in retirement

Posted on: October 29th, 2014 by nwp_admin No Comments

Having grown-up children living at home could cost you dearly in terms of your planning for retirement, according to a study.

The recent recession and the ever-growing gulf between house prices and salaries means that adult children are increasingly having to stay with mum and dad while they save up a deposit.

And a survey by peer to peer lender Zopa puts the cost of that at an average of £32,664 and that four in ten parents face pushing back their retirement a further three years just to support their children.

Typical things which parents usually find they have to stump up for include weddings, a first car and university fees.  The research also found that girls are more expensive to accommodate than boys. Daughters cost their parents an average of £35,920, while sons cost them around £30,251.  

Nearly two in three parents have dipped into their savings, and seven in ten said they have adjusted their lifestyle to cater for the extra costs.

Average family life goals cost almost £1m

Posted on: October 17th, 2014 by nwp_admin No Comments

The average cost of funding typical life goals including getting married, buying a home, having children and retirement is £877,000, according to a report.

The Lloyds Bank Family Savings report found that, while things like getting married cost in the region of £12,000, this pales into insignificance when compared with buying a house (£175,000 on average).

However, even that is dwarfed by the average cost of providing for a comfortable retirement. The study calculated that the joint retirement fund required to maintain an average couple’s standard of living is close to £685,000.  And for those living in the South East that can easily rise to £1.2m. 

And the simple answer to this thorny problem? Start saving earlier!

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